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Le féminisme vu par Belle et Rebelle

Feminism seen by Belle et Rebelle

True to our tradition, we wanted to question ourselves about our vision of feminism in 2023 and we realize that it is gradually changing from year to year, just like us!

In 2023 we can no longer miss out, feminism must have a more inclusive representation recognizing that struggles for gender equality cannot be fought in isolation, but must also include issues of race , social class, sexuality, gender identity, age, disability and privilege.

We also need to have a deeper understanding of systems of power and oppression.

Between women, we must also develop more benevolence and less violence (especially on social networks).

Feminism in 2023 would also be engaged in the fight for reproductive rights, economic justice, equal access to education and health, the elimination of discrimination against transgender and non-binary people and the end of gender-based violence.

This is why, this year, we have decided to send our donations to an Afghan feminist organization that fights for women's rights in Afghanistan. Under the Taliban regime, women were barred from work, education, health care, participation in public life, and many other freedoms. (We will be happy to give you the name of the organization in private, if you wish.)

Gender-based violence is a violation of human rights and is widely recognized as a form of discrimination against women. It can take many forms, including physical violence, psychological violence and sexual violence (harassment, exploitation, forced marriage, excision and female genital mutilation among others.)

Despite the many challenges, it is important to highlight the progress made in the fight for gender equality in 2023. The fight is unfortunately far from over but it is moving forward!

Happy Women's Day dear Rebels.

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