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Les culottes menstruelles lavables, une vraie solution

Washable menstrual panties, a real solution

These days, we strive for a more natural approach, reducing waste and chemicals, including in our choices when it comes to menstrual products. For several years, sanitary napkins and tampons, in particular, have been the subject of criticism due to their composition rich in chemicals, while they are in direct contact with female mucous membranes for several days per month.

To deal with this situation, several brands have started manufacturing menstrual panties, a more environmentally friendly, more hygienic and more economical alternative.

It's ecological

Ecology is at the heart of concerns and it is important to note that menstrual products generate a considerable amount of waste.

On average, a woman uses around 290 sanitary products per year, which results in the production of a significant amount of waste, often more than we imagine. A woman who is menstruating uses not only a pad or tampon, but also the associated packaging, which multiplies the volume of waste by two or even three.

Most of this waste, with the exception of the cardboard boxes containing the tampons, is not recyclable. It is important to note that these solutions are single-use, which further contributes to the accumulation of waste.

By opting for menstrual panties instead of your disposable protections, you say goodbye to all this waste.

It's economical

Menstrual panties are washable and have a lifespan of 5 to 7 years, similar to that of classic panties.

When you start to calculate your lifetime expenses for periodic protection, the numbers can quickly seem astronomical. Therefore, investing in period panties that can be used for several years, with proper care, is well worth it.

It is good for the healt

An ANSES assessment confirmed that certain menstrual products were indeed composed of chemicals potentially dangerous to health.

By opting for menstrual panties made from natural materials, you avoid all these risks linked to products dangerous to your health. Plus, as a bonus, you soothe your mental well-being by putting an end to the anxiety of leaks during your outings!

It's comfortable

The main advantage of menstrual panties is the comfort they provide throughout the day. You no longer need to fill your bag with pads or tampons "just in case". Menstrual panties can be worn continuously from morning to evening!

In addition to its practicality, the comfort of the panties is also very appreciable, you can therefore benefit from underwear that adapts to your movements, and you even have the choice of style and material with options like high-waisted, low-waisted panties.

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